BOD at the Ely Folk Festival 2021

by | Jul 5, 2021 | Events | 0 comments

Hurrah, Ely Folk Festival is going ahead this year from Friday 9th to Sunday 11th July, and BOD will be there with a vendor stall, so you can see our product range and play with our drums and beaters.

John will be performing with his BODdrums both Saturday afternoon with the Dennis Cuddles Starlight Band on Stage Two, and Sunday with the Morris Dance display on Stage Two.  Enjoy some great music and dance displays, and see and hear the BODdrum in performance context.

Naturally, with Covid restrictions and protocols, things will have to be a little different.  We have to ask that only one customer / family group enter the marquee at a time, and we will be providing hand sanitiser and asking you wear your mask whilst in our vendor marquee.
We will have demo models of all of our BODdrums available for you to try, as their synthetic heads and the automotive quality paint finish on the aluminium bodies will stand up to washing down after every trial.

But as repeated use of alcohol sanitiser isn’t great for the wood finish on Stevie Moises’  beaters or Christian Hedwitschak’s drums, we will be using John’s own beaters and Hedwitschak drum for demo purposes, and John’s own drum cases will be available for you to see.  But we have also prepared a full pictorial and descriptive catalog of beaters, Hedwitschak products, cases, accessories and our own BODdrum Uniques for you to review.  Stock for sale will be available but kept safely so it will be clean and fresh for just one last trial before purchase.

We look forward to seeing all of you again, hearing some great performances, and of course staying safe the Ely Folk Festival this weekend.

BOD at the Ely Folk Festival 2018


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